Saturday, January 21, 2006

Art is dead. Long live Art.

Recently I've had a lot of people ask me: You know [Shlomocles], I do so love when you write your funny words for me on the magic TV-phone-box, but where do you come up with your wacky picture ideas? Well I'm glad you asked me that [insert name here]. Below you'll see the rigorous testing grounds for blog pictures.

First, under the influence an extremely delicate combination of speed and rufies, I generate a concept.

Then, I "borrow" a picture from the internet.
Various versions are tested for their humor quotient.

The Pretentious One:

The Philosophical One:

The Obscure Reference one:
The Super One:

Finally, I print them out, put them all in a giant bucket, fill it with a combination of wood glue and human saliva and throw it against my wall. The one that stays up the longest is the winner.


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