Monday, February 06, 2006

Questions and Axes

Today I'd like to offer you a brief questions to consider while avoiding work -- one which I think sort of captures the spirit of the so-called American "culture war:"

Now that you've got your very own TiVo and plasma LCD DDT PCP Big-screen TV, did you watch the superbowl and skip the commercials, or watch the commercials and skip the superbowl?

And now, in honor of President Bush’s recent State of the Union speech, I’d like to share something with you that even the big networks haven’t yet seen. You’ve probably all heard of the “Axis of Evil.” Composed of Iraq, Iran, and North Korea, the term was introduced by President Bush’s in his 2002 State of the Union speech. By creating a conglomeration of three states which we don’t like, President Bush hoped to explain international conflict in terms so easy that even he could understand it!

But what a lot of people don’t know is that the Axis of Evil was only the first of a whole series of Axes which were auditioned and selected by a test audience. Lucky for you guys, I’ve come into possession of the recently declassified documents, and here on the New Voices blog, I’ll be revealing them to the public for the first time.

Coming straight from The Secret Files of Karl Rove, I give you:

Failed Axisissies (Bush for "Axes")

I also want to put in a plug for:

It's just a blog by a good Jewish boy who's done right by his family. Also, he was the CTO of a little company called Network Solutions for a while... They kinda ran this thing called "the In-ter-net." I really think it's gonna be big. The site puts itself forward as a means to "explore socially significant tech issues in more detail by leveraging diverse points of view in a bias-free environment," and based on that, it's no surprise that he has a "B.S." in computer science...

Anyway, it's a good read, so check it out.


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