Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Hutton's Tale

Spain Expels Jews: 600 years later, Jews Strike Back
By Mel Gibson’s dad

On the week of April 29th, 1492, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain expelled approximately 800,000 Jews from Spain’s borders. Today, on August 9th 2006, Spain is being overcome by a deluge of the deadly amorphous sea creature known only as the jellyfish. Jellyfish and Jew both start with the letter J. Starting to see a pattern?

I thought so.

Below you will see conclusive proof that I have collected showing this, the first of many steps by the Jews to reclaim world dominance the likes of which no one has seen since I had that dream about the Jews trying to reclaim world dominance!!!

Unfortunately, as any good pre-vatican II’er knows, Jelly Fish are Jesus’ one weakness. That is why it falls to us, the humble people of earth to stop this plan before it starts.

Now I know that some people are going to say that I "doctored" these photos with Microsoft Paint, and that I "did a pretty poor job of it too." But honestly, who you gonna believe? Them or the father of the star of Lethal weapons 1-3? (Chris Rock stole the show in 4, sorry son.)

Also, Stephen Colbert may be somehow involved I think. I’m not sure how. More on this later...

A man who doesn't pronounce all the letters in his name is never to be trusted.

-- Ancient Austrailian Proverb


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