Wednesday, October 04, 2006

George Allen: A Sensitive Soul Man

Still combating allegations of racism, Virginia senator George Allen's camp has just released the following photo, for what they said were “obvious reasons.” A campagin aide remarked “I really think that this should assuage the voters concerns and show that Mr. Allen truly is in touch with a broad range of ethnic and racial minorities."
"We have unconfirmed reports that the man standing next to him," the aide added hopefully "may also have been a minority."

The campaign also released the following image, which democratic critics claim is just a more closely cropped mirror image of the previous one.

But it seems that voters may not be swayed by this point; "Man, he's really enjoying that watermelon," said one voter when shown the photo, "I dunno [sic], maybe he's not such a bad guy after all."

Although no word has come in on the new poll numbers, the campaign has also tentatively begun the printing of the following buttons, which aides say should "seal the deal."


At 4:46 AM, Blogger Сергей said...


Please consider writing news pieces or an op-ed for Jewrusalem: Israeli Uncensored News. We strive to present different views and opinions while rejecting political correctness. Ideally, we try to make the news "smart and funny." Thus, your input is very welcome.


At 12:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I liked the post. It was impressive. Keep blogging!!

This is Joshua from Israeli Uncensored News


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